• ochre colors and earths
  • French organisation for the promotion of ochres and coloured earths

  • shades of ocher

the history of ochre through recipes


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This booklet will guide you through the incredible history of ochre, from prehistory to today. Discover the recipes of Prehistoric glue, the encaustic paint of Antiquity, the whitewash of the Middle Ages, the oil paint of the Renaissance, even the potato prints of the 19th century. With this book, learn about the tricks of the trade, note the advice given on the usages of ochre throughout time. Wishing you a colourful journey through centuries of history!

author: Félicien Carli
publisher: Terres et Couleurs
collection: les cahiers de Terres et Couleurs
publishing date: 05/2015
first edition: 05/2015
ISBN: 978-2-913207-11-0
pages: 40
format: paperback 15 x 21 cm - color
weight: 90 grams