• ochre colors and earths
  • French organisation for the promotion of ochres and coloured earths

  • shades of ocher

legal information

Terres et Couleurs
French association according to the law of 1901
5 rue Bertin Poirée, 75001 Paris, France


    • Félicien Carli - président
    • Alexandra Dionisi - secrétaire
    • Cyril Penin - trésorier

board of directors

Philippe Bertone, Claudine Debief,  Jocelyne Féliot,  Marie-Pierre Lamy, Michel Rizza, Agnès de Saint-Priest, Sophie Sennelier, Luc de Sèze, Jean-Pierre Soisson, Benjamin Tainturier, Bernard Tison.


All content on the website https://terresetcouleurs.com belongs to the association Terres et Couleurs. Is prohibited any reproduction, modification, alteration or diffusion of its contents for any other use than strictly private, which excludes any reproduction for professional reasons or diffusion, whatever the medium used.

personal data

Personal data collected in the purchasing order is used only for the sale of Terres et Couleurs booklets. This information will not be sent to any other organisms.

Hosting and realization

The terreetcouleurs.com website is produced by UNITICE, 129 rue Servient 69003 Lyon, France and hosted by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, France.