• ochre colors and earths
  • French organisation for the promotion of ochres and coloured earths

  • shades of ocher

the short illustrated guide to lime


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From the most common problems (coating which falls off or stains, colourwash which flours, not to mention walls that crack) to professional advice on how to tackle these issues, this 'Cahier' will enable you to create sumptuous decorations using lime. This book presents recipes telling you how to paint a wall or skim-coat it using lime or stucco. An address book will help you find the lime and ochre you need.

author: Félicien Carli
publisher: Terres et Couleurs
collection: les cahiers de Terres et Couleurs
publishing date: 09/2019
first edition: 05/2001
ISBN: 978-2-913207-04-2
pages: 48
format: 15 x 21 cm - color
weight: 105 grams